Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jeydon Wale Quotes:)

"Names Jeydon you can call me Jey or whale if you want haha!"
"do you mind? Do you Mind? DO YOU MIND?"
"Can you hear me now? now? Can you hear me now? how about now? can you hear me now? now..."
"I sneeze money I  sneeze money money is snot!"
"Hey wats up Fothermucker!"
"Wheres the Jam? Jam? AH JAM!"
"I do anything to see you smile, anything to make you laugh,anything to warm heart, anything to make this last,anything is possible and everything is you got me wrapped around your finger!"
"Its just another love story!"
"SHUT UP!!!"
"shut up! they don't care!"
"I Love my waliens!!"
"your last name is huckapoo ok!?!"
Jeydon I love ur qoutes you say! hahahahaaha they crack me up everytime i watch your videos thank you for that!!:)

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